Oct 3 – 7, 2022
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics demonstrated the 10 PW pulses production and propagation to experimental areas and the first commissioning experiments at 100 TW and 1 PW during the Covid pandemics (2020-2022). As now the facility enters full steam in the operation phase, the School aims at introducing PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to the field of high power lasers, with emphasis on the use of the ultra-intense synchronous pulses. The School will consist of a number of extended lecture courses given by experts in the field, starting from a basic level, but also including more advanced seminars on specific in-house developments relevant for beamtime preparation. The lectures will be held in the new Conference Center of the ELI-NP, in Magurele. Students are invited to contribute to the school by short oral presentions on their own research.
