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Laser-driven ion acceleration is an area receiving increasing interest in fundamental research due to the continuous progress in high power laser and in targetry technology, giving new insights into the acceleration mechanisms and expanding the possibilities of application to interdisciplinary fields. Research in this area is also motivated by applicative prospects in fields ranging from Highenergy-density physics to biology and medicine, neutron production and nuclear physics. Until recently, most experimental research has been interpreted in terms of the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) mechanism, where ions are accelerated by space charge fields generated at the rear surface of the target by relativistic electrons; while the Radiation Pressure Acceleration (RPA) mechanism remains still not adequately explored. This talk will give a light overview both on the acceleration mechanisms and on the properties of the laseraccelerated ion beams. Most of the talk will focus on the theoretical and experimental issues related to laser-acceleration. Finally, the potentiality of the 10PW ELI-NP laser in accelerating ions will be briefly examined.