About the workshop
The event is organized in the framework of the IMPULSE project, Task 4.2 (Definition of a standard approach to the target supply and debris shielding) and aims to bring together scientists from ELI pillars, their partners from major European laboratories and users, to debate critical issues on Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and debris encountered in high power laser experiments. The meeting is intending to be focused on:
The workshop meeting will be organized by ELI-NP online via Zoom, due to the COVID19 pandemic situation.
Deadline for registration
17 February, 2022
Abstract submission
Abstract submission for EMP and debris mitigation workshop is open until February 17.
Abstracts may be submitted for consideration as an oral contribution.
The workshop program will be available soon.
Local contacts:
Marius Gugiu: marius.gugiu@eli-np.ro
Mihail Cernaianu: mihail.cernaianu@eli-np.ro
Impulse Task 4.2 participating institutions: ELI-DC, ELI-ALPS, ELI-BEAMS, ELI-NP, ELI-ALSP, HZDR, TUD, STFC